Monday, November 9, 2009

News this week

Well, I have to say it has been a yucky week as far as things going on. We lost Lauren... My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer We lost Beth her 30's...local here....waiting on transplant...son in 5th grade...... YUCK.
First of mother in law, has first stage breast cancer. The prognosis is very good. They will be doing a lumpectomy to remove the one spot of cancer. Then she will endure 5-6 weeks of 5 days a week radiation. I asked what the side affects of radiation are....tiredness and itchy skin. OK, NOT as bad as chemo, but still, yucky. I pray that all will go well and my mom-in-love will be fine.....
Next... We went to an annual event for the CFF. We have gone to this event since Zoe's diagnosis in 2005. The speaker that night, in 10-05, was Beth McCarthy's husband. She was on oxygen, waiting on transplant. They had a small son at the time. This was our first experience hearing a speech. A CFF speech. It rocked our world. Not that our world wasn't already rocked by Zoe's diagnosis earlier that year, but to hear a man talk about CF....we had never heard a CF speech. We took many quotes from Mr. McCarthy's speech that night and have used them ever since..... He said" Cf has NO break from treatments, no break from any of it, it never let's go., ever." Also...."CF is a MONSTER of a disease." He was awesome that night, talking about his wife, the mother to their young son.
Saturday night at our event, the speaker, a man we respect, Mr.Roger, gave his speech. About his 40 year old daugher, Claire, with Cf. How she was doing ok. How he lost her brother some 20 years earlier to CF. Then he talked about local people that lost their battle.....Grant....Jessica....and then the ones that were fighting at this very moment for their life, Beth, waiting at Mayo for her lungs, her son and husband fighting along her side.... About a half hour after the speech, the ladies from CFF received a phone call saying that Beth had lost her battle with CF. The ladies from the CFF office were devastated. They were crying. We were crying. Hard to believe that Roger had just talked about her in his speech. I have met her, several times, my son, Dalton, has met her. She was an amazing, fighting little woman. So sad. We all raised our glasses, said,, "to Beth" was amazing....but surreal.....for all that to happen in one night at a CFF event. For a CF death to occur at an actual CFF fundraising God plan this?? Probably not. could have heard a pin drop in the room while Claudia told everyone about Beth losing her battle with CF. Don't you know that everyone that left that event that night realized that CF is REAL, fing REAL, that we are losing people...... was a rough week news wise. We do have one more CFF event the 20th. Team Zoe for the Singles!!!! yeah!!!! Hopefully we will receive no bad news....
Take care of you and yours......................

1 comment:

  1. ... too difficult to explain in English for me so... la vita, cos' è la vita se non un semplice altalenarsi di alti e bassi ed è proprio durante i momenti più negativi che impariamo a trovare la forza in noi stessi per rialzarsi...
    A Big Hug!
